Our passion is mapping and and MyFarmMap is a quick and easy way to get started with an accurate map of your farm. We are a dynamic team who take pride in our work and make every effort to ensure that each client is completely satisfied with our product.

MyFarmMap is an initiative of the long standing aerial survey company WGSAir. The firm has been conducting surveys for farmers for 30 years and MyFarmMap is our latest attempt to bring this service to more farmers in more places. Read more about WGSAir here.

MyFarmMap is based in Durban, South Africa but has a global reach. By using modern technology we are able to provide our maps for any farm anywhere in the world.

For the purposes of field mapping and information handling, we recommend Quantum GIS – a FREE, user-friendly GIS.

Contact us for our next virtual QGIS training course!

Get started now with an instant estimate of how much it will cost to map your farm.


Precision Agricultural Mapping.

Your Starting Point For Improved Farm Efficiency!

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